College Gurl featured on Tamron Hall
Financial aid expert Jessica Brown gives advice for students who are struggling to pay for college and are looking for scholarships.
Click here to watch the full video.
Financial aid expert Jessica Brown gives advice for students who are struggling to pay for college and are looking for scholarships.
Click here to watch the full video.
College Gurl and Howard University grad Jessica Brown joins Good Day DC to talk all about HBCUs and her new book for kids “College Girl’s First College Tour.” Click here to watch the full interview.
Episode Aired: February 16, 2021
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Not so fast…Before getting into the How To’s of paying for college, these are some surprising but critical facts you should know before even thinking about it. Here it is, straight written by Jessica Brown on BET News. Click here to read more!
Article Published: September 13, 2019
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